Ruiters © Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos

3LP cooperation

The Euregio Maas-Rhein  – and hence also the green heart of this region, the Three Countries Park (3LP) – is a meeting ground for the borders of not only three nations, but also as many as five differently organized administrative areas, as well as culturally and linguistically different living spaces: besides the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany and the province of Limburg in the Netherlands, there are the two Belgian regions of Flanders and Wallonia. And within Wallonia there is also Belgium’s German-speaking community, known as Eastern Belgium.

Such diversity is unique. It is a Europe in miniature. Collaborating in the Three Countries Park means truly living the European project: getting to know the actors, building trust, dealing with different administrative structures, mentalities and languages and bringing together interests and initiatives – in short, the 3LP is a living example of the European objective of territorial cohesion.

The partners of the Three Countries Park

Logo EVTZ Euregio Maas-Rhein

Euregio Maas-Rhein EVTZ
Gospertstraße 42
B - 4700 Eupen

Logo Provincie Limburg (NL)

Provincie Limburg (NL)
Limburglaan 10
NL - 6229 GA Maastricht

Provincie Limburg (B)

Provincie Limburg (B)
Universiteitslaan 1
B - 3500 Hasselt

Vlaams Gewest
Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos (ANB)
Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed (OE)
Departement Omgeving
Koningin Astridlaan 50 bus 1
B - 3500 Hasselt

Service Public de Wallonie (SPW)
Territoire, Logement, Patrimoine et Énergie (DGO4), Département de l'Aménagement du territoire et de l'Urbanisme
Rue des Brigades d'Irlande 1
B - 5100 Jambes (Namur)

Logo SPW Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement

Service Public de Wallonie (SPW)
Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement (DGO3), Département de la Nature et des Forêts
Avenue Prince de Liège 15
B – 5100 Jambes (Namur)

Province de Liege

Province de Liège
Direction générale Infrastructure, Energie,Travaux publics
Place Saint-Lambert 18a
B - 4000 Liège

Logo Ostbelgien

(Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens)
Gospertstr. 1
B – 4700 Eupen

Logo Stadt Aachen

Stadt Aachen
Fachbereich Umwelt
Reumontstraße 1+3
D - 52064 Aachen

Logo StädteRegion Aachen

StädteRegion Aachen
Zollernstr. 20
D-52070 Aachen

Bezirksregierung Köln (NRW)
Dezernat 32 – Regionalentwicklung
D-50606 Köln

Elmar Wiezorek

City and countryside – closely intertwined

Urban and rural spaces belong together. They are bound by climate, water, resources, people and much more besides. The environs of Aachen lie to a large extent in Belgium and the Netherlands. Many people from Aachen like to enjoy the rolling green hills of their neighbours. The Three Countries Park offers us excellent opportunities to share and coordinate our concerns and plans with the neighbours.

Elmar Wiezorek, Head of Environment, City of Aachen, and member of the 3LP project group

Logo Euregio Maas-Rhein
Logo Provinz Limburg
Logo Provinz Limburg B
Logo Vlaanderen
Logo Wallonie
Logo Ostbelgien
Logo Stadt Aachen
Logo Städteregion Aachen
Logo NRW
Logo Provinz Liege
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