What are “bronze groen”, “silver groen” and “gold groen” nature zones in Limburg? What does a “site of great biological interest” mean in Wallonia? What is a “Landschaftsschutzgebiet“ in Germany? And where do these and other areas lie in the Euregio?
The Space for Green Infrastructure project analyses the different conservation and development areas for nature and landscape in the partner regions, applies certain criteria to make them comparable and maps them - because Green on one side of the border isn’t necessarily the same as Green on the other side of the border. The various zoning categories conceal very different legal definitions, objectives and measures. Together they form a basic framework of green infrastructure in the Euregio. A connection of European importance runs from the Eifel in the southeast to Hoge Kempen in the northwest.
Bu many gaps also remain. The second part of the project study makes recommendations as to how the mosaic of green infrastructure can coalesce further in the Three-Countries Park. This offers opportunities for water retention and adaptation to climate change, for the buffering of urban heat islands, for improvements in the habitat of migrating animal species, for recreation and healthcare and much more besides.
Duration: 2017-2019
Funding and lead: Three-Countries Park
Study offices: PLURIS scrl & Menzel Landscape Architects